Monday, January 23, 2006

Calling all sweets!

Ok, I have a sweets name Hazelnut, and Stands with Juice has a sweetie named Juicy Fruit. Who BOTH agreed to do this list thingy with us... and yet... I'm not seeing the group effort here sweeties. I thinks Stands with Juice and I are both holding up the blogging end of this thing.

*Insert Guilt Trip here* (she says trying to be cute.... ;)

#80 - Vote

To Vote or Not to vote... that's the NDN question.

Well I know some skins don't think we should do it. Now, I can be as resistant as the next militant NDN. I respect that for some, it is an act of resistance NOT to vote. But, I ain't that girl. I am of the mind that if I have to sit at a table with someone I don't like, I'd atleast like the opportunity to influence who that schmuck might be. So hence... I checked the ballot. Not as a vote of confidence for someone or some party, but a vote against. If I can cancel out some reformer/conservative/homophobic/bigot's vote, then atleast I can do my best to piss of the radical right.

What I did find disturbing, is that my polling station is in a church (pictured above.) What the hell??? That just don't sound like a unbiaised location to me....

#48 - Leave Country by Car (1/3 parts)

Welcome to America...

So #48 down.... Stands with Juice, Hazelnut and I headed South of the Border Saturday morning (into the land of cheap smokes and fatty foods.)

(We were almost lucky enough to have the company of perfect girl... but we wore her out the night before.) We went to Seattle with the intention of meeting the lesbian contestant from "America's next top Model" and boy did we ever. (Hazelnut... what I WON'T do to make u're birthday wishes come true!)... I must say, she has a striking resemblance to Stands with Juice... Sorry about your luck Hazelnut....

Sunday, January 15, 2006

#44 - Go Ice Skating

I was dragged out with Yummy and entourage to go ice skating last night. I get there, and for the second time in the same day I have left my wallet on the counter at home. Don't ask.... I don't know why.... TWICE?! So i go to the rink with my 12 year old skates that I've never broken in... and walk past the side door when someone opens the door for me. This turns out to be rather fortunate because it means I don't have to pay to get in ... serendipity ain't it?

So i put on my nice white skates... and look forward to swooshing around with the crowds, practicing some spinning... when I become horribly aware that skating, for me atleast, is not like riding a bike. I have forgotten EVERYTHING. Now believe me I used to be good running around on the ice... I could even flirt, spin, and skate all at the same time, that moment has PASSED!
Years of figure skating coaching... 3000$
Ice skates over the years $500
Watching Honey polish the ice with her ass? PRICELIST.

I forgot this was on my list of things to do... oi, atleast I was entertainment for the posse.

#9 - Spend Day at Spa....prrrrr

Le Spa Sereine

Step out of the hustle of downtown into an oasis of tranquility. Amidst an exquisite atmosphere of comfort and serenity in our three-level facility, our team of professional therapists, aestheticians and stylists promotes balance, relaxation and well-being. Achieve a feeling of serenity with a relaxing massage, hydrotherapy, or rejuvenating body treatment...

I got a gift certificate as a birthday present from my brother Manu over a year ago for this place.... and I it was due to expire... so I booked my 5 hour appointment and decided to use it up and cross something off my list. Now I have never spent a day at the spa, but how bad could it be? So Saturday, with less than 4 hours sleep... bad hair and shoulders tense up around my ears and absolutely no coffee in my system I grumbled my way in the front door at 9:30 in the morning. Thinking, I should have done this another time... grumble grumble... now you're wrapping me in terri cloth... grumble grumble.

For 5 hours I was massaged, fed, pampered, covered in mud, cleaned up... mani, pedi... hair styling... the works. No pressure point left untouched.. no ounce of stress left unattended. Everything from my toes to my ears was massaged. I came out to go get in my car... and realized... I didn't have my wallet. What was even more amazing? I didn't care at all. What started off miserable had ended in the best hair day I have ever had. Prrr...... *sigh. Prrrrrr