#80 - Vote

Well I know some skins don't think we should do it. Now, I can be as resistant as the next militant NDN. I respect that for some, it is an act of resistance NOT to vote. But, I ain't that girl. I am of the mind that if I have to sit at a table with someone I don't like, I'd atleast like the opportunity to influence who that schmuck might be. So hence... I checked the ballot. Not as a vote of confidence for someone or some party, but a vote against. If I can cancel out some reformer/conservative/homophobic/bigot's vote, then atleast I can do my best to piss of the radical right.
What I did find disturbing, is that my polling station is in a church (pictured above.) What the hell??? That just don't sound like a unbiaised location to me....
unbiased location? That's like still believing in "objectivity."
@ Dubya (aka na'cha'uaht)
U believe in objectifiying this girl enough...
mind you, I"m biaised.
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