Saturday, August 19, 2006

#58 ~ Go to Races & Place Bet

So in a fit of boredom, with the list burning in my mind. Hazelnut and I ventured off to the Hastings Parkway after a great breakfast at one of the best diners in town (everyone should have Dining at Helen's on their lists...) Anyways off we went to the races.. (insert ba dump bump sound effect here) What an experience. We finally found the big red sign that said "IF YOU DON"T KNOW WHAT YOU"RE DOING: COME BET AT THIS COUNTER". True story (it was pretty close) we didn't know the difference between win, show or place or how much was a decent bet, and while I had the handy little pamphlet "how to place a bet" we still needed some bossy guy with a trunkload of stock tips for other big white guys like himself to tell us what we needed. Still not having the foggiest clue what we had done, we ventured outside for seat in which to place our bottoms before we rack in the dough.

It's odd, noone really tells you where you belong at these places. Apparently you have to pay for good seats or make due standing on the pavement or on a broken bench up front. Some gruff and typsy woman at the front made room for me to stand on the fence near the finish line. Hazelnut screamed her head off. She's awesome, we're alike that way. With the lottery, the casino and the races, we always truly expect to win. :D After breaking even on the first race, I got a little cocky and bet it all on one horse,(5 bucks) that could have won, almost won, but didn't, it placed, but I didn't choose that option. We needed "gambling for dummies." But it was fun none the less. Hazelnut lost interest as there were no buttons to push... the 2cent machines at river rock are much more her speed, and yes she did walk away a winner there.

Incidently, I never knew that the races were "family" attractions. Breeding gamblers, what a concept. Makes the bingo orphan a thing of the past, just bring them with you....NOT.


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