Thursday, July 06, 2006

#38 & #87 ~ Good dress and good Birthday

Well ok, it was 6 months ago... but alas it is true. I had both a great dress (that showed off my new tattoo...) and a great Birthday. Honestly, it was better than I could have imagined. Hazelnut went all out. It started with a tattoo, and ended with a burlesque show by Cecelia Bravo and Chaz Royale Burlesque. Most pictures have been edited to protect the innocent, or the ones with the camera were too typsy and chopped off heads in each shot.

#12 ~ Get a tattoo

Well I know this task was completed Nov. 26 2005. It was my last act of rebellion of my twenties, compliments of Hazelnut. My godmother did the design, and Justina from Liquid Amber altered it and inked me. I had my brother and my oldest friend Nad there with her baby boy. It was an amazing event. Justina is awesome and totally gifted. It was clean, quick and exactly what I asked for. She was very kind and gentle and patient with my entourage. It was a good, good hurt. For someone afraid of being poked, it was awesome.

I would have posted the pictures sooner, but alas, there were lost somewhere on my cell phone, and only surfaced again this morning thanks to a better card reader.

And yes, I'm addicted.