Monday, October 17, 2005

Honey's List

  1. Meet Karmen Completed ages ago
  2. Visit Uncle in Arizona.
  3. Shower in a waterfall.
  4. New Camera Lens(es) & Lights, Backdrop &…
  5. Drive home to Glen Vowell & meet long lost nephew. Completed Dec 12, 2005
  6. Get really cute gumboots and go puddle jumping.
  7. Make art out of a woman.
  8. Pose nude (for professional photographer & life drawing).
  9. Spend day at Spa. Completed Jan 14 2006
  10. Have a picnic with my picnic basket.
  11. Learn to rollerblade.
  12. Get a Tattoo(or 2... or 3) Completed #1 November 26,2005
  13. Get Motorcycle license & then motorcycle baby!
  14. Put together a photography portfolio I can be proud of.
  15. Register own business.
  16. Fill Ikea frames in my dinning room with pictures.
  17. Finish my degree.
  18. Jump out of Plane…. Don’t die. Completed June 11,2006.
  19. Have a fire in my outdoor fireplace and sit with someone special & roast marshmellows. Completed Jan 29 2006.
  20. Crochet a blanket, and give it away (not a scarf...)
  21. Pay off credit cards. (1, 2, 3)
  22. Bake an apple pie.
  23. Get divorced.
  24. Quit smoking. Quit ages ago... 2006
  25. See Yvette Narlock in concert. Completed Nov 5 2005
  26. File taxes.
  27. Travel to New Zealand.
  28. Take a dance class.
  29. Attend the Valentines Day memorial march. Completed February 14 2006
  30. Eat dinner on a lake.
  31. Write without fear.
  32. Publish my writing.
  33. Go to documentary opening. In Van 2006, In NY March 2007, In Vic March 2007
  34. Make my first short film. Completed and shown publicly Mar 21 2007
  35. Get an agent.
  36. Visit Raelene.
  37. Meet a family member I haven't met yet. Completed Dec 13, 2005
  38. Enjoy my birthday. Completed Nov 26 2005
  39. Scuba Dive.
  40. Do the Mt. Doug, The Chief, Grouse Grind.
  41. Learn to play golf.
  42. Take a train somewhere (not skytrain.)
  43. Go to a Canucks game.
  44. Go Ice Skating. Completed Jan 14 2006
  45. Buy a bathing suit.
  46. Walk home from Downtown.
  47. Escape to a bed and breakfast.
  48. Leave country by boat, by car and byplane. Completed Jan 21 2006, May 2006, February 2007
  49. Learn how to do mechanics on my truck.
  50. Attend outdoor concert.
  51. Go white water rafting.
  52. Cook supper for Bridget & Jordan at their new place.
  53. Build an igloo with icecream bucket.
  54. Sleep outside.
  55. Spend night in pj's watching kids movies with kids and eating junkfood like popcorn for supper.
  56. Make a loaf of bread from scratch.
  57. Win Lottery.
  58. Go to horse races and place bet. Completed
  59. Go to Vegas and get married to grrl.
  60. Learn 101100 words in my language. Completed 1 Dec 14, 2005. First word: A'ma'mas
  61. Follow the excercise program I paid my trainer for. Completed May 2006
  62. Do 1 full pullup.
  63. Watch sunrise & sunset on westcoast. Completed Feb 4 & 5 2006.
  64. Watch sunrise & sunset on east coast. Completed March 2007 in NYC
  65. Sing well in public. (not kareoke) Completed March 21 2007
  66. Buy someone flowers for no reason.
  67. go kayaking.
  68. go rockclimbing.
  69. Loose 2 dress sizes.
  70. Apply for grad school.
  71. Obtain passport.March 2007
  72. New computer with all the bells and whistles. Completed Dec 11, 2005
  73. Backup my harddrive.
  74. Donate blood.
  75. Visit a psychic.
  76. Make pesto with homegrown basil.
  77. Keep a positive journal, write once in it every day until it's full, then buy new journal.
  78. Buy one of those super expensive lottery tickets where the prize is a house.
  79. Spend 1 day a month doing artwork for 6 months.
  80. Vote. Completed Jan 23, 2006.
  81. Write a song, relatively good one.
  82. Go skinny dipping.Completed Feb 4 2006, but will have to do it again (long story)
  83. Send a postcard to and have it published.
  84. Be on Lword set.
  85. Sleep outside.
  86. Do 26 things challenge
  87. Get a fabulous, totally-me ensemble to wear when I celebrate my 30th birthday.Completed Nov 25 2005
  88. Host a party, cocktail or dinner.
  89. Do spoken word. Read "Dear John" 2006
  90. Write 50 letters & mail them.
  91. Start an art journal. Do atleast 50 entries.
  92. Get 5 ... now 1 people to participate in 101/1001 days 1.Hazelnut 2.Dubya3. Brandy 4. Ember 5?
  93. Make another list... a secret list..that includes sexy stuff that can be switched for less sexy stuff on this list...
  94. Participate in a physical event "for charity" run for cure or something.
  95. Read "Alice in Wonderland" to my kids, old school, no pictures.
  96. Take one vacation with kids,one with friends,one by myself. (no work involved.)Completed Friend trip with 70 lovi women Feb 3-5 2006
  97. Add to my spiffyndn blog weekly (to show my appreciation.) (that's 143 138 shout outs... in 1001 days) completed last one September 27, 2006.
  98. Floss every day for a month (its' a start)
  99. Print all of Jesse's pictures.
  100. Do what I want to do for a living.
  101. Release a message in a bottle from 3 different locations.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All Hail the Church of Jess...that's a good list ya got going there! I went through it and saw lots that I have already done and a whole bunch more that I could never do (mainly because I don't have kids...yet). I think it's a fab thing to have a list of goals like this...way to go! I could help you out with a few of those, like #7...and #8...I think. Can't see the list as I type so I'll just go with those ones. :)


12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And hey, #54 and #85 are the same...means you have to do it TWICE! ;)


12:56 PM  
Blogger Carolynn Anctil said...

Hey Jessica. You've been tagged. You can find out what that means by going to my blog.

3:48 PM  

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