I was dragged out with Yummy and entourage to go ice skating last night. I get there, and for the second time in the same day I have left my wallet on the counter at home. Don't ask.... I don't know why.... TWICE?! So i go to the rink with my 12 year old skates that I've never broken in... and walk past the side door when someone opens the door for me. This turns out to be rather fortunate because it means I don't have to pay to get in ... serendipity ain't it?
So i put on my nice white skates... and look forward to swooshing around with the crowds, practicing some spinning... when I become horribly aware that skating, for me atleast, is not like riding a bike. I have forgotten EVERYTHING. Now believe me I used to be good running around on the ice... I could even flirt, spin, and skate all at the same time, that moment has PASSED!
Years of figure skating coaching... 3000$
Ice skates over the years $500
Watching Honey polish the ice with her ass? PRICELIST.
I forgot this was on my list of things to do... oi, atleast I was entertainment for the posse.