#48 ~ Leave Country by Boat

Huney + Clipper = Seattle and #48 down. I went down a few months ago to Seattle. I met up with a good cuz buddy Joan and what was to be one other cuz buddy which turned out to be one of four! lol. It was a weekend of girley girls and shopping. Sunday morning I ventured out on my own down Broadway and had breakfast by myself and with a great woman named Rochelle I had met the night before.

Rochelle is quick on the draw and had me putting my money where my mouth was pretty damn quick. I make one little comment about getting my eyebrow pierced and the next thing i know she is dragging me out of one shop, around the corner up some dark stairs and into the LAUGHING BUDDHA. I am bonding with her by having JOHN D. shove a sharp piece of metal thru my face... I open my mouth one time and she calls me on it. I love it. We head off to a street fair and takes alot of winking my friends before they notice anything different. ;)