101 thing to do in 1001 days
jump out of a plane2.
See Bon Jovi in concert3. get another tattoo
4. Jump into Chilliwack lake (is glacier fed)
5. Stay at Birkenhead 2 times 1 time in cabin, 1 time camping
6. buy camping equipment
go home and visit at least 4 friends8. go ocean kayaking
9. River rafting in the Fraser canyon
10. Ski Mt. Baker
11. buy a new suit
12. buy a pair of cowboy boots
13. rent a boat and tool around for a few hours on the ocean
14. go ocean fishing
15. drink more herbal tea instead of coffee
get a cell phone plan17. pay off my cable bill
18. move into my own place with Jordan
19. write more
hug my friends more21. finish this list Completed Oct 17 200522. go back to Disneyland
23. take guitar lessons
24. buy a guitar
25. Buy a Mini Mac or an iPod, depending on finances
26. Go to Nova Scotia
27. Ski Shames Mountain
28. Go to an all inclusive in Mexico or Cuba with Rebecca
29. buy a plant and not kill it (excluding cactus)
30. watch every episode of the L word front to back (so I understand the big fuss)
31. catch a Salmon on the Skeena River with my fishing rod
32. Go to at least 2 plays/shows
33. Go a Canucks game at GM place
34. Go out with Kimmie and Davie for a night and not pass out before Davie
35. Go to San Fransisco
36. Go for a wine tour in the Okanagan
37. Go to Las Vegas and gamble at one of the tables(not just the slots)
38. Get my A+ certification
39. Take a Linux class
40. Learn how to play pool
41. Go to Pride in some obscure place like Saskatoon or some other not so friendly location
42. Go to a Weakerthans concert
43. walk across the Lions Gate bridge
44. try snowboarding again, for the whole day this time
45.Go huckleberry picking
46. paint a picture
47.well after this weekend, get a camera Completed Dec 25 200548. learn how to use camera
49. Install new speakers in "The Truck" Completed Oct 28 2005, Destroyed Nov 5, 2005 I"M SO SORRY!50. Take Jordan to the lake and teach her how to skip rocks
51. lower my intake of beer to 6 pack a week(you don't want to know where it is)52. Go snowshoeing
53. Buy a soccer ball
54. go to a fancy restaurant with "a/my" grl and play boi 'after number 11'
Be a Top56. propose to Jess via Rebecca
57. eat 3 meals a day for a month
58. create a website
59. Write an outline for my book
60. quit one of my jobs Completed Dec 200561. Go to a psychic and get an update on my future
62. climb Terrace mountain
63. get new glasses
join a new softball team65. win the lottery
66. let Jess plaster me
67. let Jess photograph me
68. Go to New Zealand
69. reaquaint myself with my family Completed Dec 11 200570. get a pet, if #29 lives longer then 999 days
71. learn how to use a Mac
72. Learn the signs of hunger before it is too late
73. allow other people in when I'm down
74. Give Mac to Jess before I throw it out window when doing #71
75. Smoke fish with Sonny and his Dad
76. Go to the graveyard and clean up Granny's grave--then go fishing down there
77. Go to my moms grave, clean it up and pick Hazelnuts
78. Smoke only when I drink
79. Ride a Horse
80. join the wi-fi team
chew more gum82. read more
83. go to 2 shows during the Queer film fest
84. go to a Natruopath and get a new regime
85. go to a pow-wow(never been cause....)
86. hang put with my friends more, I don't appreciate them enough
87. finish this bloody list Completed Oct 17 200588. go for a bike ride
phone home90. go to the Yukon(scope out my new house)jj
91. camp on the edge of a lake that have to 4x4 to get too
92. help Jess with her list Helped complete #1 & # 25 Nov 5 2005 #12 Nov 26 200593. start to pay off debt
94. learn how to make Butter chicken
95. hug the biggest tree in the world(where ever that may be)
96. learn how to swim
97. be in an independent film as an extra
98. get 2 more tattoos
99. watch a meteor shower(never seen one)
100. go down to the friendship centre and just hang out
101. drum roll please.....
Write a naughty list!